Sunday, August 3, 2008

Well, actually . . .

I worked a total of fourteen days in a row. Yes. I survived. I also made it through last week and refused to work at all over this weekend. That meant that I worked until 9pm on Friday, but I had a weekend. A lazy, unproductive, not-feeling-well weekend. The most productive thing I did was take my mom and sister to an Iron Pigs baseball game to celebrate my mom's 62nd birthday. Mom had an order of Conway's pulled pork nachos; my sister was grossed out by the fact that the stadium sells pork products ("Why would you eat your mascot?!" my vegetarian sister remarked loudly), and I made it through without killing anyone.

I've found many ways to spend my overtime money. Including buying two new purses from The owner is from Emmaus and she makes all these bags herself and right now they're having an inventory clearance sale (they're clearing out to list all new styles, fabrics, etc.) . . . if you put "50" in the coupon section at checkout, your whole order is 50% off. Sweet. I also ordered fabric for curtains and decorative curtain rods and holdback-things. I still intend to go to Ikea this coming weekend to get light fixtures, lamps and light bulbs, and a new medicine cabinet. I'm convinced that pleasing lighting can change the whole look and feel of a room and it's worth the rewiring of fixtures and addition of new lamps.

I found a dream job listed yesterday . . . so I applied. "Applied" being, e-mailed a cover letter and attachment of my resume. If they can match my salary requirements, I'd definately take the position. It would be a lot closer to home, I'd actually use skills I acquired while in college, and it's jewelry based. Plus, flexible hours and no more than 40 hours a week. I'm already covered by Husband's insurance, so no worry about lack of benefits. I don't have sick days now, so it isn't like I'd miss not having them. Would I miss paid vacation? Yeah. Though, I'd figure out either a way to save to be able to afford days off, or I'd find a part-time job as well and allot that money just for vacation/personal day usage; something tax-free like babysitting, which I am awesome at and actually miss doing. Wish me luck.

Not too much else going on in my world. My first tomatoes of the season have ripened, been plucked, sliced and eaten. I just know that they're all going to get ripe at the same time. Tomato sandwiches forever! It's the best late-summer snack. Along with fresh peach cobbler. Because dessert always wins. Reminds me of a line from a Rock Band song . . . it's in reference to a game called "Portal," (object of the game is you need to make it through these tasks and this computer is talking you through them and encouraging you, saying if you make it to the end, there will be cake . . . and everyone loves cake and everything is better with cake). Well, the joke is, once you get to the end there's all sorts of other levels to get through and turns out the computer is trying to kill you . . . and it keeps teasing about that damn cake ("it's so moist and delicious . . ." blah, blah, blah). Long and incomplete story short . . . a line from the Rock Band song has become my new mantra:

"There's no use crying over every mistake;
you just keep on trying till you run out of cake."

What's it mean? Not sure yet, exactly. I've always been about celebrating little victories. Maybe it means when you run out of cake, you've gotten through all the little victories, thus equating one large victory. When you've run out of cake, you've completed your task. "Cake" would have to be a metaphor, though, otherwise I'd have to start wearing muu muus and other such lovely ensembles from the Roaman's catalog (

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